stone house farms

Healthy People, Healthy Planet

Half Share
$60 Weekly Subscription

Weekly box of Stone House kitchen products and farm fresh produce from our farm. Cancel any time with 7 days notice.


Full Share
$120 Box Weekly Subscription

Weekly box of Stone House kitchen products and farm fresh produce from our farm. Cancel any time with 7 days notice.


Half Share
$50 BOx 12 Week Subscription

Weekly box of Stone House kitchen products and farm fresh produce from our farm for 12 weeks. 20% off when you purchase 12 week at a time. $720 Value for $600.


Full Share $100 BOX
‍12 week subscription


Weekly box of Stone House kitchen products and farm fresh produce from our farm for 12 weeks. 20% off when you purchase 12 week at a time. $1440 Value for $1200.